Monday, February 25, 2013

The unexpected

It's funny for me to look back & see how so many things have changed. I remember knowing what age I would graduate college, get married, start a family, etc.

But boy, oh boy; my sweet husband & I have enjoyed/experienced that life is much too unpredictable to have a perfect time line. On Christmas we were talking about where we thought we would be next Christmas & we both just giggled over it because we didn't even know where we would be living in January. We weren't sure if we were going to move to a different apartment in Austin or if we would make a drastic change & move to Oklahoma.

But I tell you what, this unknown & unpredictability has been amazing. There isn't anyone else in the world I would rather do this life with then my better half. It's been such a lesson of what is most important in this precious & short time we have here on Earth.. It's so funny, but sad to me how people get so consumed with having the best car or the fanciest house. Don't get me wrong, I don't think success should be looked down upon, I just think it's so important to remember that these things are so temporary & there are so many other valuables to be treasured that do not have a price tag.

"For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also." -Luke 12:34

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